Programmatic Environmental Assessment U.S. Virgin Islands–Stormwater Improvement Projects

Public Notice:
Notification is hereby given to the public that the Department of Homeland Security-Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS-FEMA) has prepared a Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for stormwater improvement projects for the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). The draft PEA evaluates stormwater and drainage improvement measures eligible for FEMA grant funding. The notice is being published pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), FEMA Instruction 108-1-1, and other applicable environmental laws, including the National Historic Preservation Act, Endangered Species Act, Executive Orders 12898 (Environmental Justice); 11990 (Protection of Wetlands), and 11988 (Floodplain Management) because the proposed action has the potential to affect historic, cultural, and archaeological resources; threatened and endangered species; low-income and minority populations; floodplains; and wetlands.
The purpose of the proposed activities evaluated in the PEA is to mitigate future rain and storm surge-induced flood hazards by increasing the resiliency and functionality of stormwater management systems along roadways. The proposed activities are needed because roadways within the USVI have a history of flooding during storm events, causing them to become impassible and thus inhibiting access to emergency services and exposing the public to undue hardship and health risks. Similarly, rain-induced landslides have generated debris and excessive sediment that have blocked roads and, in some instances, threatened the foundations of residential homes. FEMA will evaluate the proposed action to ensure it meets all applicable federal, state, and local requirements for these activities.
In accordance with Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations (40 C.F.R. §§ 1500.4(k) and 1501.11), the PEA identifies, by project type, the potential adverse and beneficial effects associated with stormwater and drainage projects. The review of later site-specific grant applications may be streamlined by tiering from the PEA to reference summary details regarding project types, alternatives, and effects and to emphasize details specific to a proposed action. The PEA will allow FEMA to streamline its compliance responsibilities, focus site-specific reviews on a narrower scope, and eliminate repetitive discussions.
The PEA is available for public comment, and comments can be sent via email to FEMA-4340- [email protected] or via mail to: FEMA 4335-4340 RO, Attn: Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation, 4500 Sunny Isle Shopping Center, Unite 37 and 38, Christiansted, VI 00820.
The PEA is available on the following websites:
- National Environmental Policy Act Repository | gov
- Public Notice DPW Stormwater PEA – US Virgin Islands Office of Disaster Recovery
- Home – Virgin Islands Department of Public Works
- FEMA U.S. Virgin Islands | Facebook
A hard copy of the PEA is available for pick-up at the following locations:
- St. Croix
- DPW Main Building at 6002 Annas Hope, Christiansted, VI 00820
- VITEMA Office at 2164 King Cross St., Christiansted, St. Croix 00820
- St. Thomas
- DPW Main Building at 8244 Sub Base, Charlotte Amalie, VI 00802
- VITEMA Headquarters 8221 Estate Nisky, St. Thomas, VI 00803
- St. John
- DPW/VITRAN building at 6 Susannaberg, Cruz Bay, VI 00830
The comment period will end 30 days after the date of publication on both the FEMA and VI Office of Disaster Recovery websites listed above. Written comments on the PEA can be mailed or e-mailed to the contact below. If no substantive comments are received, the PEA will become final, and FEMA will sign a Finding of No Significant Impact. Substantive comments will be addressed as appropriate in any final documents. Contact: FEMA 4335-4340 JFO, Attn: Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation, 4500 Sunny Isle Shopping Center, Unit 37 and 38, Christiansted, VI 00820; or via email at [email protected].